Pretty odd, but in a good way
Pretty odd, but in a good way
Sound cats, for cats, of cats
I just searched something random up that definitely doesn't deal with Geometry Dash when I bump into this. I've never really been into Synthwave songs, but here I am jamming to this. The synths chosen is great and the song has quite a bit of variety. This sounds like an old-school Gamehouse song which some of those are more decent than others. I will probably use this for a rhythmic game like Geometry Dash, osu!, or possible Just Shapes and Beats when Berserk Studios finishes their beatmap editor. I do admit this can be a bit better if it was a loop track tho. Tecrin Approves! <3
thank you! this was made around a time when i was learning a lot about music production so i'm glad you like it despite the sloppiness :)
Very nice. The song has a lot of funk into it with the synths. I really like the fact that the harmony part changes overtime, but the melody however changes 2x less than harmony, which is something that kinda bothers me. Since it's a loop track, I won't dis the repetitively too much because it's supposed to do that. On a side note, this sounds extremely similar to one of those Persona game series I have no idea why. It's a good series though with Undertale and Just Shapes & Beats tier soundtracks. I enjoyed listening to this track and can't wait to see how you improve. Tecrin approves! :3
"Actually, arranging a section with the same melody and a different chord progression is a common trope, especially in a remix. I agree that it doesn't work with every melody, though, but I was fed up trying to come up with new melodies for this menu." — The Manager
Your style plus the vocals sounds like a legit 90s song and that's amazing. Sometimes I really enjoy vocals in a Newgrounds song and this has been added to that list. Kinda don't like the fact that the chorus is repeated 8 times it gets pretty old. Other than that, it's great. <3
The intro doesn't make any sense with the rest of the track, but I like the rest
This is amazing! I don't know if you based this off of Waterflame's "Sunwalker", but it has a funky tune nonetheless. To me it's kind strange to see so many bridges in one song alone; its still cool though. Even if this song is great, funky and all, 2:30-end is the exact same as 0:17-0:45 which kinda breaks my mood a bit with repetition added to a song that gets more unique the longer it went. Overall, great song/track/piece whatever you want to call it and keep improving! <3
One of the best House songs I've heard in my life, The style of stacking other instruments on top of the melody reminds me of DJVI a bit, except at 1:52 when it changes it up which I like. I can tell this track was made by a free spirited person that loves progressive house. Tecrin apporves! :)
This is a very bouncy song and I love the Synths used in it. This is something I can headbutt to if I'm bored to death because it's that good. I like how the song keeps being modified throughout, but kinda don't like the fact that the track suddenly ends with no closer whatsoever. Lots of good stuff!!! Keep being great!!! Tecrin approves! ^_^ (God dammit it's not November lol)
To me, this sounds like one of the first 3 Sonic the Hedgehog games at some kind of toxic sewers stage. Something that can make it sound like that must be incredible; I am impressed. The bridge between 2:23 - 2:51 completely changes the atmosphere only by changing the octave while keeping that 8-bit old school feel. I love every aspect of this song. It's making me so nostalgic I want to cry. ;-;
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College Degree in Stupidity
Joined on 4/22/19