This song gives 0 fucks & keeps going with all that energy and I like it.
This song gives 0 fucks & keeps going with all that energy and I like it.
Listening to this song makes my feelings towards 2021 173% brighter.
Thanks, but lets try to get to 175% ;)
I have only the greatest of respects for the Saxophone solo.
I can recognize that Marble Garden from a mile away (underrated stage btw)
This one has the same problem "Retro Adventures" has, but it's a bit different. This time the percussion almost overtakes the growls in the drop. It could be personal preference, but it really bothers me that I feel off-beat of the actual melody 'cause of how heavy the drums come in and out.
I hope this helps.
I'm not all that good with critiquing as it is.
I'm not very good at Dubstep either, I hope to improve next time when I do another song of that genre
This one feels extremely off to me even though the quality is definitely could be the volumes of instruments during the drops and breakdowns that could be causing it. They all sound like they are around the same volume.
The improvement spike is still there!
I knew I had failed with this one, but thank you very much, I hope to improve next time :)
"Pigstep"'s genre is mostly ambient to me with a hint of techno, but it may be personal preference.
Pretty nice remix.
Marreh Crimcram
This is quite the improvement spike and a pleasant surprise.
This is something...
Marreh Crimcram
Thank you, and merry Christmas! :)
This is how I celebrate my "alone for Christmas" in 2020
Marrah Crimcram
Marrah Crimcram :]
Unlike "Pirate Fox" showing how Starfox was Earthfox, THIS is the training montage of how Fox McCloud flew his first jetpack.
The full EP isnt out and this is already my favorite track out of it.
2020 is rough man.
Thank you!! Yes, yes, 2020 quite is :/
Filthy Casual Gamer
Hobbyist Pixel Artist
Mediocre Video Editor
College Degree in Stupidity
Joined on 4/22/19