never really played Persona but i heard good things from it especially from their soundtrack
never really played Persona but i heard good things from it especially from their soundtrack
The soundtrack in Persona is nice overall, this track however is a bit of Persona infulence. But yeah, also the title itself fits pretty well as a track name.
If Star Fox was Sea of Thieves...
Best of luck my guy
Thank youuu!
good car music
percussion feels a bit off though and i somehow forgot the word to describe it
Thanks, if what you are referring to as 'off time' is the hats then you would be right. I did that on purpose haha.
i await the day when you use your own vocals like DJVI and Dj Striden for voice reveal
(ᴗ ͜ʖ ᴗ)
Dont know bout that Im not a great singer, but autotune helps with everything ig XD
Wow, it's incredible, thank you! <3
I never really played a single racing game.
Not even Mario Kart.
But I heard that blue shells are a piece of shit,
and Shadow is badass on a motorcycle.
Blue shells are hell
may peace be with your bird
Thats so cute, many thanks
w o w
thank you!!
call them "Zeal"
Zeal? Hmmm. Thanks for the name idea. I might or might not use it to name the dragon, or the Dark Lord.
Also, thanks for the rating! ^-^
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College Degree in Stupidity
Joined on 4/22/19